Package Setup


This section allows you to setup Packages that will include numerous Special Request items which then can be assigned to reservations and post in one lump sum.


Revenue Management > Rates > Packages



When Adding a Package, fill in all the required fields at the top then click Add to insert any Special Requests into the package. Choose the Special Request from the drop-down menu. The information will be the default setup for the Special Request, however, you are able to edit the amounts and nights as needed in each Package.

If a Special Request does not exist and is needed, you can use the Create Special Request button and add the information in as needed. This will create a listing in the Special Request section of Chorum with the settings provided.

Click the trashcan icon to remove a Special Request from the Package.


Code Short Description
Description Long Description
Posting Frequency How often should this item post throughout the stay?
0 = 1 time only
1 = repeats every day
2 = repeats every 2 days
Department Code Select the Department Code the Package will post to the folio with.
Currency Select the Currency type used at the hotel.


If using the Add Seasonal Package, you'll notice the Special Requests now have a Start and End Date. Only Special Requests that are setup as Package Only will be available to use in this section.


When a Package is attached to a reservation, it will post each item to the folio after the night audit has been completed. When a folio receipt is printed, however, it will only show a lump sum for the package. If a line item receipt is needed for the guest, a Hotel Copy folio receipt will have to be printed. Under Custom Folio at the top in the folio menu, choose Print Hotel Copy.


Video Tutorial

For a video tutorial please view: